Through an agreement with Fiat, the Government of Misiones presented the Ahora Taxi program, which will subsidize up to 50% of the value of a new vehicle (including the installed CNG equipment and the corresponding identifying paint) with the car manufacturer’s commitment to take the used car as part of payment. The taxi owner has the option of paying the amount owed through a loan from Banco Macro in up to 36 monthly installments, with a rate subsidized by the province of 25% per year.
If the difference between the price of the new vehicle and the price of the used vehicle is greater than 50% of the price of the new vehicle, the provincial government will subsidize 50% of its value. But if the difference between both cars is less than 50%, the province will subsidize only that difference.
The program, in which the provincial government will invest $400 million, was presented in December by Governor Oscar Herrera Ahuad, Vice President of the House of Representatives Hugo Passalacqua, the Minister of Finance Adolfo Safrán, and the Mayor of Posadas Lalo Stelatto. The initiative will facilitate the renewal of taxis in Posadas, but it is planned to expand towards other locations, such as Oberá, Eldorado, Puerto Iguazú, among others.
Focused on supporting one of the sectors most affected by the pandemic, Ahora Taxi provides for the initial renewal of 100 domestically manufactured Fiat Cronos cars to be delivered between January and May 2023, subject to factory availability. Each municipality must indicate the eligibility criteria to the taxi owners who will be able to access in order of priority.
Source: Misiones Ministry of Finance