Estonian government extends support to biomethane production for vehicle use

Estonian government extends support to the production of biomethane for vehicles

The time for subsidies was set to expire at the end of 2023, but increased renewable energy targets and subsidy budgets have made it possible to prolong the period until June 30, 2024, according to the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Renewable energy used in road and rail transport must account for at least 14% of all energy consumed in the transport sector by 2030

Perú: destinarán más de USD 200 millones para masificar el gas natural en 2023

Peru will allocate more than USD 200 million to support natural gas adoption in 2023

The MINEM will allocate more than 800 million soles from the FISE to promote the development of infrastructure and growth of the users of this energy. Regarding the vehicle sector, which had significant growth in 2022, it is planned to allocate more than 125 million soles to the NGV Saving Program for the CNG conversion of private vehicles and public transport.