Eni signs deal to decarbonize Italy’s motorway network with biomethane and hydrogen

Eni signs deal to decarbonize Italy’s motorway network with biomethane and hydrogen

Autostrade per l’Italia, Eni and CDP plan to develop joint initiatives for the energy transition across their operations. One of the focuses is sustainable mobility, with the specific goal of decarbonizing Italy’s motorway network. Refueling areas will host an increasing number of fully electric charging posts as well as new decarbonized fuels, including biomethane and hydrogen.

US: Chevron buys Beyond6 and its 55 CNG stations where it will offer biomethane

Chevron fully buys Beyond6 and its 55 CNG stations where it will offer biomethane

Chevron is complementing the strength of its traditional products business with new offerings that help customers support a lower carbon future, and renewable natural gas is an essential part of its portfolio of solutions. With this acquisition, the company can market the renewable fuel it either produces or procures through a nationwide network of 55 CNG locations.