Italian project will produce enough bio-LNG to fuel a truck fleet more than 10 million kilometers

Italian project will produce enough bio-LNG to fuel a truck fleet more than 10 million km

ANDION ITALY S.p.A. and EGEA NEW ENERGY S.p.A. announced the joint acquisition of BIOMETHAN GREEN 1 – SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA S.R.L., a greenfield agricultural project in Mirandola, province of Modena. Bio-LNG will be produced by processing organic waste, specifically agricultural production waste, using Andion’s proprietary anaerobic digestion technology.

Spain: Repsol, Enagás & Engie will build first regional renewable hydrogen plant

Spain: Repsol, Enagás & Engie will build first regional renewable hydrogen plant

The facility, which will be located in the vicinity of the Repsol industrial hub in Cartagena, will involve an investment of around 215 million euros and the generation of 1,100 jobs in the different phases of construction and start-up, planned for 2025. Next year, progress will be made in the detailed engineering and in the administrative processing of the project.